World War 1 Commemorations

The Creative Development service was a key partner in the co-ordination and delivery of Cannock Chase’s World War 1 commemorations.

Events took place across the district, including a schools arts exhibition, inspired by World War 1. The artworks were created by local children working with professional artists inspired by themes of World War 1 such as Trench Art and Relief Print. The exhibition hosted over 500 pieces of artwork and toured local venues.

As well as the exhibition, a large outdoor musical performance ‘Four Winters at War’ was written and produced by local artist Pete Sidgwick. Over 900 audience members attended the outdoor performances told by a diverse group of local actors, representing a consortium of amateur and professional performing arts groups.

We ensure that any major national celebrations or commemorations such as VE Day, Birmingham 2022, and World War 1 provide the opportunity for the community to understand and reflect on such momentous occasions through creativity.