Creative Consultation

Creative Consultation is a proven successful approach to understand community needs and barriers. The methods used, enable autonomy for people to express their ideas or views, on any given subject through an engaging process. This gives a more meaningful insight and offer home grown solutions to a problem. For example, many members of our community have barriers to completing questionnaires (illiteracy, physical disabilities, partial sight etc) and it can prove difficult to engage with groups when change or development is required.

Our service can meet with groups to undertake creative consultation through expressive activities, interactive presentations etc. This approach is already successfully used by our partners and other community groups who find that this consultation method is extremely effective in achieving results with target groups.

The service has secured wide recognition for this professional practice. This has involved consultation to inform the development of partnership funding applications, solutions to tackling ASB, to the regeneration of outdoor spaces and discovering barriers to participating in arts for young people.