Seasons Theatre Company

Creative Directory
Seasons Theatre Company is a Constituted Community Amateur Dramatic Group supported solely by volunteers. Most of our Actors have a variety of needs including Autism, Mental Health Conditions and learning Difficulties/Disabilities. Our main performance is at Prince of Wales Cannock.

We rehearse every Wednesday 6.30 – 9.00pm

We also hold additional rehearsals nearer our performance dates.

Currently we meet at Mill Street Community Room, Mill Street, Cannock. WS11 0DR

£4.00 per rehearsal

We support other performances in the community when invited. We arrange social/fundraising events and also offer opportunities for theatre trips.
Please check with the individual venue/ group prior to visiting to confirm details. We are not responsible for the content and external links provided by third parties in connection with or referenced on the site.

Creative Directory

Weekly On Wednesday Until September 27, 2030
06:30pm - 09:30pm
Mill Street Community Room, Ws11 0dr, WS11 0DR